NOTE: For those of you who just joined us, I am interrupting the blog for some business owner confessions. We all have dreams, mine is to own a successful boudoir photography business. This is my journey through the Make Things Happen Challenge, I hope you will challenge your self and follow your dreams!
We all have our weaknesses. I have a weakness for cupcakes and ice cream. Foreign Accents. Anything involving French culture. These are all healthy weaknesses, but I also have to admit I have an unhealthy weakness for social media. Hi, my name is Laura and I’m addicted to social media.
I am nothing but grateful for social media. I have gained a lot from facebook and twitter that I am nothing but grateful for. I have reconnected with old friends, networked with other professionals who inspire me and free cupcakes! Social media even brought me Make Things Happen, but social media is also a big fat distraction.
In the challenge for day two it says to list your top ten distractions.
5.My Day Job
6.Brain Junk
7.The food network
Instead of focusing on what really matters to me, being a photographer. I am wasting my time on all these distractions! Are you guilty of taking one more peak at facebook instead of doing the things that are truly important to you? Not only am I guilty of letting it distracting me from my dreams but also my family. My boyfriend Matt is my family, he is the boy I want to marry and create a family with. He is also the one I’m ignoring when I’m buried in Twitter updates rather than meaningful conversations.
So this weekend I’m cutting the cord. No Twitter, No Facebook for Saturday through Monday. Yep I’m adding an extra day, since it’s the fourth of July. Connecting with people through a computer is wonderful but connecting in person is A MILLION TIMES BETTER! A few months ago I decided to take twitter beyond 140 characters and meet with one Erin, the owner of Theda Bara Vintage Lingerie. It was so empowering to connect with someone face to face! At first I was scared of meeting with “strangers”, afraid I would sounds stupid and they might reject me. But after facing that fear I was given the best reward, encouragement! Then I did it again with Erica from Colorado Occasions. Meeting with other people that share your interests is so encouraging and it’s great to know you’re not alone. This is one of the main reasons I decided to put all this personal business stuff on my blog… I hope to encourage others to go after their dreams. It doesn’t have to be photography or wedding related, you could have a dream of being a doctor (my boyfriend’s dream), learning something new or being president and it all starts with these small steps from the Make Things Happen Challenge that will lead you to BIGGER, BETTER, GREATER THINGS!!! (Explosion of excitement) BUT we have to turn off the distractions. After reading the challenge post for day two I turned off all the notifications that constantly pop up on my phone through out the day, I unsubscribed to all the sh*it email lists that clog up my email and I am also taking a vow to not only turn off social media this weekend but also every day after 7pm to 7am. It’s time to respect my dreams and myself. As much as I love all my lovely ladies I chat with on twitter every day I would much rather have a glass of wine and talk about our dreams in person.
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